Makin a list

We got so many things done this weekend. Christmas to me has always meant projects and this year has been no exception.

Things I can check off the list:

most shopping
most cleaning
most wrapping

Went to see the 3rd installment of Lord of the Rings last Thursday after work with Joe, Matt, Margot and Olive. It was beautifully filmed and very creepy at the right moments. And I had three hours with which to take off my fake nails that have been bothering me.

My car decided to take an electric vacation while we were in the movie. Triple A coaxed it back for just long enough for me to drive Joe and I home before it decided to take off again. It is now sleeping over at Auto Tech awaiting an alternator operation.

I took the coaster in to work this morning after Joe dropped me off at Oh-Six O’clock plus 15 minutes or so. After I got done exclaiming to myself that people are nuts that get up so early, I sat quietly on the coaster and looked outside at the quietness and beauty of early day and remembered that I used to get up at 6 am every morning and drink tea and journal. I did that for years. A part of me has missed it. But a part of me loves to sleep in.