Hello! I’m so glad you found me! Are you feeling overwhelmed, overextended, gloomy or fuzzed out, in a pickle, in over your head, or like you’re treading water? I help by creating a container where you can feel safe enough to learn and grow. Stop feeling like you need to hide or escape from your life!
Go ahead and click the Start Here button just above! There is no wrong or better way to work with me. Some people want and need lots of interactions with me in a day to stay on track and some folks need less of my one-on-one attention, preferring to meet once a week. And often, we’ll do a combination of things over our time together, depending on what’s happening for you. I like to think about it like plants. Some flowers, like Begonias or Peonies, have more simple needs than a Maidenhair Fern or a Weeping Fig. You are all gorgeous and I’m honored to provide whatever level of nurturing is desired and needed if I have the space in my schedule. Reserve some time with me and we’ll figure it out together.
Curious what other people have asked for? Click here to see curricula I created.