Glory, Glory Utah

I grew up in Utah. I know. ‘Nuff said.

Even while I try to distance myself from the weirdness, there is some part of me that loves and wants to protect what is ‘The Utah Way.’ There are at least 6 National Parks there and the best skiing on earth. You can get every kind of license to kill every type of animal known to man or God. From the Official Website of the State of Utah, I tried to find out about Utah’s Ethnic Diversity and found out from the Utah Department of Community and Economic Development that there is no page. I can tell you why. There is no diversity.

But here is my favorite reason to love Utah. (Via Wonderblossom) It’s the Utah Baby Namer website. The tagline? An online help for parents looking for that distinctive name that says “I’m a Utah Mormon!” Look for where the Cream of the Crop names are stored. You’ll find names like Delightra, Zestpoole, Sparkle, Wenderella and Templa, Templer, Tempella from the root word ‘Temple’ (in case you didn’t know…)

If I have another child, you can bet I’m going to look there first for a name so my child can be teased for all eternity with a name like Tempalia.