
I finally get to blog over at Vox. Somehow, I feel like I’ve won something. (I could have felt this way a few days ago if Joe would have looked at his account a little sooner….*cough)

Completely tasteless-but-made-me-laugh cartoons at the Perry Bible Fellowship like this one and this one and this one. This one is my favorite. The art is really great in some of them.

A rather large bug hit my windshield the other day which resulted in about a two inch, slightly transparent, green gut smear to the right of my eye-line. I reached for the wipers and fluid to swish-swish him away but instead put my hand back down on my leg and had a moment of silence for him. I wonder why I did that.

Yesterday I kept smelling tuna sandwiches with green onions on soft, crustless, white bread. I realized I missed my dad.

Being authentic is one of the hardest things I do. Everyday I remember that it is completely worthwhile.

Feeling lonely and having a great life are not mutually exclusive.

Can we just all agree to leave Britney Spears alone now? Please?

I really miss having a digital camera. More on that later this week.

This game was featured on a few sites a couple of weeks ago. It is addicting. I’ve beaten it twice.

"Dear Leah,

Your participle is dangling.”

Well, that explains a lot.

Tonight, Joe and I are going to the Geek Dinner. Anyone else going?

Also, I added the new front page for Project Cathartic. I’m still working on the religious survey questions, but they are SO going to get done before the end of my lifetime, I swear.

Today is one of those days that I could spend only crying and wiping my nose. Instead, I may do laundry and shower. It’s a toss up.

Flights and the Roast

I think I have allergies. Ever since I came home from my mini-vaca I’ve been sneezing and snotty. While in Utah – not so much. In fact, it was on the drive home from the Burbank airport that it started up. Every mile we drove closer to home, the snottier and sneezier I got. I’ve been thinking for months that I just keep getting sick every other week. Dude. What if it’s just allergies? What if it’s not my body but instead the flora and the fauna?

The flight home was awesome, by the way. In the security line directly in front of me there was a woman that wanted to discuss with anyone that would listen, and mostly those that didn’t want to, how she was still loaded from her party last night. Visibly weaving and slurring, and this is at 2pm in the afternoon, she wanted to touch your arm and talk into your face. She made the metal detector go off. Repeatedly. And then she would remove one item of jewelry and then try again. This went on for, oh, twenty tries, before the guy asked her to step to the side so he could do it manually. She started crying and shaking and starting to panic. I’ve never seen the security people have to remove someone before. They were so On It. Finally, all that 9/11 training going to good use. It was odd and slightly disturbing. But good in that 3rd grade recess monitor kind of way when the mean kid gets taken to the office. It’s drama. But you’re glad it happened.

And Southwest? Your plan of not assigning seats and making people sit in line at the gate for 2 hours before a flight on the floor, claiming your 4 foot square plot of carpet and setting up the Dutch oven and putting on the coffee, since if you want to sit in the waiting room in an actual seat, like, with back support, then hey, you suck and have to sit in the very back in the middle seat and hate your life while the person on your left sleeps on your shoulder and the person on your right has to get up and climb over you to use the lavatory 4 times? Sucks. I know, I know – your flight price when I bought the non-refundable ticket 2 months ago of $120 dollars round trip can’t be beat. But next time? I’m going to drive for 12 hours since that is less painful and has more legroom and less drunken people in the security line. News flash – you aren’t a rock concert ticket line. You are an airplane flight. Get over yourself.

Since money is super tight, I’m glad I bought the ticket so long ago (and it was non-refundable) or I wouldn’t have been able to go. And since I’m not really much of a shopper, and we spent most of the time at the house, the entire trip was pretty cost-effective, as trip-taking goes. However, I did buy a pair of shoes. On Sale. And I love them.

The best part of being home? Conversations with Joe.

“They put a tampon under this roast.”
“A what?”
“A tampon.”
“A tampon?”
“Well, I don’t know what else you would call it.
I blink. More blinking.
“Are you sure? That might be a health code issue. I don’t think we want to eat that roast.”
“I’m not unfamiliar with female anatomy. I know what it is.”
“Uh, you aren’t talking about female anatomy. You’re talking about something that goes into it.”
“Except I just call it ‘gear’.”
I had to go in the kitchen to see.
“I think that is probably best since what you are looking at looks like a sanitary napkin, not a tampon. But it isn’t one.”
“Well, I’ve never made love to ‘gear’ so I know less about it.”
“Either way, that’s gross that you said that.”
“Leah. A roast bleeds. You -”

In the Car

“So, kids, don’t forget. I’m leaving tomorrow and I won’t be back until Sunday night.”
“Where are you going?”
“Salt Lake City.”
“To see some friends.”
“What their names?”
“Heather and Jon.”
“Heather and Jon what?”
“Are they related to Louis Armstrong?”

Bathroom Banter

“You know, when I was younger, I ALWAYS pushed the paste from the bottom of the tube.”
“Like a compulsive toothpaste squeezer?”
“But now, look at this mangled and twisted tube. I just squeeze it from anywhere.”
“To what do you attribute this great change?”
“The Fear if God! Ask me again! Ask me again!”
“To what do you attribute this great change?”
“Cleeeeaaaan Livin’! Ask me -”
“To what do you attribute this great change?”
“Sloth! Oh, I’ve got more!”


Finally, we have the equation for the perfect female rear. Phew. That’s a load off. Thanks, everyone.

Mr. Holmes’ equation looks like this:

“The magical figures are (S+C) x (B+F)/T = V. Though the equation looks rather complicated, it is, according to the scientist, simple.

It assesses shape, bounce, firmness and symmetry – all factors that add up to the bottom line.

S is the overall shape or droopiness of the bottom, C represents how spherical the buttocks are, B measures muscular wobble or bounce, while F records the firmness.

V is the hip to waist ratio, or symmetry of the bottom, and T measures the skin texture and presence of cellulite.”

So, that would make (S+C) x (B+F)/T = V is to female rear like (L+M) x (N+O)/P = Q is to perfect man personality.

L is the overall sensitivity of the personality, M represents how sarcastic his remarks get the closer his female companions get to menses, N measures willingness to give up the remote control, while O records his ability to be gentle yet firm when he sees his ass-kickin wife working too hard and shoos her off to bed at 2:30 am.

P is the snark to bitter ratio, or symmetry of the humor, and Q measures the grace with which he perform housely and/or husbandly duties and the number of occasions he remembers that his wife/partner/girlfriend is actually the most beautiful person on the entire planet and does, in fact have, the best butt.

We could shorten the equation to LMNOP/Q, which is famously already taught to our youth at a very young and impressionable age. Could we use also the equation for the perfect martini?

via Boing Boing


Tony on the phone with his friend, talking about the upcoming History Day assignment:

“Ok, you’re going to be John the Baptist and I’m going to be Jesus.
No, I want to be Jesus.
What do you mean?
But, why would you want to be a Roman god when you could be the real God?
Fine, you be Jesus Christ and I’ll be John.”


Oh, hi there! How are you? Nice to see you! My name is Leahpeah and I’ll be your host this evening.

Man, this has been a Busy! Week! I haven’t had time to breathe. But I did have time to look through glass eyes and small heads being modeled out of clay. I’m posting photos later.

Right at this moment, the sky is a beautiful, fresh shade of blue. I can hear the birds singing outside. The kids are getting ready for school. Breakfast is made. It’s going to be a great day.

You Know it's Time for Bed When

me: That is NOT even a WORD!
joe: uh..yes it is.
me: Dude. Ignorance. Ignorance? IGNORANCE? That guy is an idiot.
joe: Leah. It’s pronounced ig-nor-ance not ig-NOR-ance. He is not IGNORing you.

aaahh. ok. It’s 1:30 am and I’m taking my igNORance to bed.

When You are Working with the Best

Taken from the project outline sheet:

comments – yesh
no gallery ceptisle my publizle photizle and loggizle intizzle da websizzle

Note to the Rabbit and Those Mean Kids

Not one to give out advice willy-nilly, I find myself yearning and busting at the seams to speak my mind. I hate you humans in the Trix commercials! Be nice! Share. You make me sad to be the same race as you. There are more than enough Trix cereal nuggets for everyone. Don’t you think the Rabbit has paid his dues? Perhaps it’s his turn to eat the cereal that will rot his teeth. Can’t you think about someone else for a change? Eat a banana.

And, Rabbit. Dagnabit, be a man and take the Trix if you want them. Assert yourself. Stand up and be strong. Acknowledge your self-worth. Demand what is yours and take your share of cereal. I think you will find that you, and they, will be glad you created boundaries that are healthy for you. No more passive-aggressive behavior where you dress up as a woman and tuck your ears down to try and trick them into letting you eat. Be the best most real bunny you can be. Alternately, you could also learn to love bananas.

It’s what we call a win-win.