This Thursday’s Meetup Class – Managing Mental Health

Birds in FlightThis week’s class is super close to my heart. With all the “getting-well” I’ve been doing these past three years, managing how my brain is responding to the changes I’m making has been sometimes challenging but mostly exciting.

I’m really looking forward to this week’s group and going in more depth about the process I’ve used and what might work for others. Getting your head on straight goes hand-in-hand with healing the other parts of your body, especially your gut.

See you there?

PS. The photo above reminds me of what it feels like when I’m trying to find the direction I want to go with my life. This way? Or that way?

Alta Vista Gardens


Today I went to Alta Vista Gardens with my friend, Debbie Friedrich. I brought an In-n-Out cheeseburger, protein-style, for my picnic lunch because that’s how I picnic. And then Debbie showed me the gardens. You guys. They are lovely. You should go. Somewhere in the images below there is a self portrait. A frillion dollars if you can spot it. (Debbie took the nice photo of me below. She takes really great photos in general.)



You guys. Here we have – weird orange cloud cover, flowering Dogwoods, early(EARLY) Spring in San Diego, and date night with my husband. It’s pretty much as good as when you peel an orange and you get those little baby slices in there and you’re all hey! Baby orange slices!

High Kick

There is something so enticing about a quiet backyard coffee joint where they have old, framed black-and-white photos hanging right on the fence. Wherein one person is Matrix-style avoiding a high-kick swipe to the the jaw. And in another one, the dude is just being, you know, a Dude.

OB Pier

This is what people think of when they think of San Diego in March (or February, when this photo was taken). What you can’t see: the cluster of homeless people just to the left that yelled at me when I walked past. One guy had just puked. There was a dog among them. My friend said, “Let’s go by them together. Better to walk by that way.” I hate that what she said is true and I hate that this is a very real part of what San Diego is now.

But you can’t see any of that in this shot. Just look at how blue the sky is.

Tortilla Wrestler

Tortilla Wrestler was just hanging around outside in the back of Java Jungle in OB. His little feet had been nibbled by something. I’d like to think by maybe a mouse or rat and that T.W. spends his evening hours after all the human patrons go home fighting rodents in little shiny capes with masks covering their tiny faces with their whiskers poking out.

Of course, T.W. from OB always wins.

Joe, Last Weekend

Sometimes my weekend date is so dreamy, it’s ridiculous. Joe took me out to shoot photos of the Gaslamp Quarter on Sunday night, but I kept taking photos of him.

Here he is hanging out with Jimi and Janice.

Here he is kissing my face, which is always encouraged.

This is Joe looking especially handsome in Yard House.

And this is us being sort of disgustingly meta with me taking a photo of him taking a photo of me taking a photo of him on his phone. Gross. (Yay!)