Life 107

This has practically turned into a weekly thing. It will get easier to keep you all up to date when I get my own pc back after we move in the next few weeks.


All my stuff is in storage.
I’m camping out at Joe’s apartment until our house is ready for us to invade.
I DO NOT see my kids enough right now.
That is very hard and I’ve been having sudden crying outbursts.
It has been HOT here.
Margot gave me tons of art stuff. It felt like Christmas.
I switched my email over to my Lamphost hosted web site. They are the best ever.

A few weeks/months ago, Adam Gnade from Fahrenheit contacted me about writing a column for them. I pitched him one. He said it was great. Then he asked me if I would wait on that and do reviews for him for now. I said sure. Unfortunately, there is some kind of drama going on over there and I have to put on my patient hat. The problem is, I have this great idea for the column and I want to do it NOW! Good luck, Adam, and hurry up!

I also have a new story idea.

My full time gig starts next Monday.
I love my job.

quick recap for the kids:
have a great time on vaca, guys. i’m so glad i got to see you last weekend for a bit. when you get back, you can come and see the new place.
hastalabistro, baby.