Tree Salesman

Joe and I went to get a Christmas tree about a week before the big day. We looked everywhere for a place that felt a little bit human instead of a tree killing frenzy. We decided to support Troop some# in TierraSANTA. They were your usual bunch of kids with the supportive parents here and there.

We got up to the open part of the gate. The scent of pine was in the air from trees piled up everywhere. A young man about the age of nine or ten, with hands pushed deep in his pockets to warm his frozen fingers, wearing a flannel shirt and boots, asks us in the utmost serious tone,

“What are you folks here looking for today?”

Joe and I looked at each other, with matching serious faces replied almost in unison,

“Well, a Christmas tree.”

“Step this way.” He outstretched his arm towards the tree piles. “Are you looking for a 7-footer?”

You could see in his manner that he took his job very seriously. We opted for a 5-footer and paid about $25 more for it than we would have at a chop-shop. But we did get a coupon for a free 2-scoop ice cream sundae from Baskin Robbins. Just what you want after freezing in the cold weather looking at trees….

I’ll do it the same way next year.

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