Nurture Plus DS Light (Hot)

Welcome to Nurture Plus D/S, Light Support


I’m guessing you’d describe yourself as a self-learner who generally knows how to hold yourself accountable but would love some support with that. You’re looking for light(er) guidance, probably around some self-care things, and are adept at getting homework done when you’re properly motivated.

You’d love to call me Sir and might want a pet name, are curious how kink might be a healing modality and also used for fun and motivation/rewards.

You have limited time and resources to put towards this enrichment program for yourself, but you understand the importance of growing through where you’re stuck by opting into a power dynamic that helps you stay on track, including an app where you can earn rewards.

I’ll meet with you for one 50-min session a week that includes homework, possibly in a 3-month container based on an available curriculum I have listed, or you have something specific you’d like to work through and you know what that is and need support getting to the finish line.

Together we’ll explore who you are, what you need, and how you naturally give and receive love, understand the world, and feel best moving through life.

While working with me, you’ll build a foundational understanding of your needs, a solid self-care practice, and experience the growth you’ve been seeking.

If you’re looking for nurturing support inside a lighter containment D/s structure, you’re in the right place! I can’t wait to meet you!

Go ahead and reserve some time with me so we can talk. Meet Sir Blooms! Start over?