More Links Sans Segues

Joe got glasses! He looks hot. Now we truly can be Ma and Pa Crawford.

Chuck sports a Bonpron. Find out how to get your own. Join!


When I was young, I had this kit. Spirograph was my kind of ‘game’ because I could do it alone and it allowed me to be inside my head. I have tons of fun OCD tendencies. Counting and drawing lines are right up there at the top of the list of things that I can’t help doing. I keep drawing shapes and color combinations because I think they would make spectacular patterns for stuff. And because they make me happy.
More Spiro fun here and here.

Yes, Twitter can be lots of fun. But everything is even more fun with a cat involved. Sockington is my new favorite contact.

Schmutize wrote a poem called Droopy-boobed Lady, Let’s Go Get Some Bacon-wrapped Goat Cheese Together. If you ever wondered what it’s like to have your brain go wacky while on medication withdrawal, this is it.

Do you have a fantasy life? Mine is never as good as these.

Dutch & Wood’s story of going to Greece is wonderful and worth the read.

Also good: The Importance of Gnats by Carbon Press. It will make you miss your Grandparents something fierce.

Joe and I watched every available episode of Making Fiends the other day. Those 3 hours were well spent. Great style and story.

It’s pretty obvious to everyone in this house that my thyroid medication has stopped working. I need to go to the specialist. I didn’t go and have kept putting it off for a variety of reasons, mostly because I feel too busy trying to move. But, in actuality, I’m sitting on the couch crying about how much there is to do and not really doing it. So, I’d say that it might be time to try something new.

6 Replies to “More Links Sans Segues”

  1. awesome links, loving the “making fiends” lots….

    on “going to a specialist”, i feel you on that one. above all else, take care of yourself. (as i typed that the little gremlin in my head mocked me saying that.) my god, it’s a hard thing to do, taking care of yourself.

  2. Thanks for the shout out. And thanks for the links to the other posts as well. I love that orange bottle fantasy post, that was great fun!

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