I just want to clarify for all of you that have the impression that I’m still mentally and emotionally unstable: I’m not. And while I really appreciate your emails and comments regarding your support for me, please understand that in no way would I ever cause harm to myself, or as one concerned writer put it, ‘off [myself]‘. I use this Blog to express my feelings, whatever they may be, including a bad day, which is what this post was about. I’ve worked way too hard to be OK with myself and with life in general to let a few bad days prompt me to kill myself. I write about how I feel, and then get over it.
But, in any case, I guess it’s nice to know that there are so many people that care about me. Thanks. But please know that the time to worry would be if I don’t write anything for an extended period of time. Then, you might have cause for concern. But even in that case, it might just mean that I’m busy……