Good Morning
Get your coffee and go see zefrank’s show. So very, very good.
via Joe via Waxy.
If You Can Handle It
This is one of the funniest birthing stories I’ve ever read. Yes, there is talk of blood and even graphic photos included but how could a baby be born without those things? Huh? Fluid Pudding rocks.
Thanks for all your emails and comments, everyone. I’ve decided to put the survey online so you can do it electronically and the answers can be saved and searched. It should be ready to be used mid-next week and I’ll let you know when/where to go to do it.
Yesterday, for the first time in a looooong time, I got to do a photo shoot. Since we are still getting the business up and running, my usual day is about 12 hours of different types of computer stuff and phone calls. So it’s been a long time since I got to spend a whole day shooting. It was really great and I hope to do it again sometime soon or at least before another year goes by. More specifics later.
Interview with Byrneunit
Basecamp by 37signals
There have been lots of times when I’ve wished for an easy application to take care of what ever ailed me. A few years ago I once spent a whole week of evenings trying to find just the right online calendar to sign up with so that I could view it anywhere, log in and change things from anywhere and integrate appointments from a handheld. There was none to be had that I could find. A few months ago when I tried to find one that would let both Mac and Windows users log in and view the same appointments and let both/all users add/edit/delete, I think I even heard the Internet laughing at me.
So when Joe and I started doing Crawberts fulltime and it became obvious that if we didn’t find a solution, one of us (me) was going to yank out all their (my) hair due to not being able to keep on top of what was going on with all our projects, we found Basecamp created by 37signals. I guess I had been living under a rock because I had no idea that it existed and how this was so, I’ll never know. Because I have to tell you that it has completely made my life worth living.
When Joe initially pointed out their website and told me I might like it, I was plenty skeptical. I’ve been burned after the initial blush of new-to-me techy love. There was a part of me that thought, after reading through all the material and realizing that it could actually be really cool if it actually worked like it actually said it did, that laughed and mocked my quickness to return to folly. But, once I read that these were the same people that created Ruby on Rails, I was ready to give it a try. That, and they offer a free plan with great functionality which I initially signed up for. I think it was about 15 minutes between that and upgrading to the next level up and about 3 months before upgrading again. And as if that weren’t enough, remember when the ‘yellow fade’ first came out? Them.
Since then, Jason Fried has become one of my heroes. The more I learn about him and read things he’s (co)written, I’m thankful that there is an example out there of how to do it right.
My favorite Basecamp features:
1. It actually works like it says it will.
2. You can import writeboards from one project to another as well as view the last and current versions of any writeboard you are editing.
3. All milestones for all projects are viewable from one page or per project.
4. Auto-emailers for new messages for the entire crew with one tick box.
5. So freakin’ easy to learn and navigate that you forget you never knew how to use it.
6. It actually WORKS like it says it will!
7. They are still making improvements like the new time log for hours worked by employees. Huzzah!
8. From the client’s perspective, they don’t ever leave our site.
Things I wish it had or that I could customize:
1. Color-coding the projects in the milestone calendar on the main page view
2. As the main Admin, I wish I received an email no matter who posts a message and no matter where they post it instead of them having to add me to the list. When I’m juggling so many clients/programmers and there are lots of new messages coming in, I don’t always remember to check where I might have missed one. When a client or programmer forgets to include me in the message thread, I sometimes miss the message for a few hours/days and that is potentially sad. There may be something I’ve been unable to find that would make this possible.
All in all, a 5 star product that I’m proud to recommend. And just using it every day reminds me that my plans to create a new division of the company and have it work really, really right might not be so far fetched.
Gardening with Mom and Dad
Here is a photo of the awesome Southern Utah dirt in my parent’s backyard.
I kept asking if I could bring some home but they just gave 3 huge boxes to my sister and her husband and you can only spare a few hundred pounds a year, yo. But, I better be next! I just want my tomatoes to taste as good as my Dads. Oh ho ho yum! I think it’s the iron in the soil. And, they sent me home with tons of delicious nutrients and treatments for our soil. No real complaints here. Thanks, Mom and Dad!
Every spring, my parents plan out their garden, including the greenhouse, for optimal growth and beauty. It usually starts like this:
New Ring
Joe bought this for me on the way back home from rural Utah. I quite like it. I’m very into milky Butterscotch Amber and odd colors of Turquoise, sometimes white or robin’s egg blue but the green of this stone really called to me.
I wondered if it is Gaspeite or possibly Chrysoprase. Anyone know? It has tiny reddish/brown veins running around in it.
Two Links
Interview with Not Martha
Please Leave a Message
Guess what? I’m not here. I’m driving to my niece, Alison’s, wedding to the awesome Tony which is to be held deep in the bosom of Utah. Or, if it’s Friday, I’m helping to decorate. Or if it’s Saturday, I’m actually at the ceremony, crying and hugging people and shooting photos of the lovely event. Or if it’s Sunday, I’m driving to my parent’s home. And, if it’s Monday, I’m driving back through Death Valley, passing the alien that sells beef jerky and the world’s largest thermometer, and almost home.
In the meantime, should you miss me, you can browse through the new favorites page I created just for you. Yes! You! You’ll find the most hit entries from the past 3 years plus I tossed in a couple of my own favorites that don’t get enough love.
Also, there are the interviews, flickr and the columns. And, on Monday, a new interview will magically appear even though I’m not even here!! I would tell you who it is but that would totally ruin the surprise. But I’ll give you a hint: it’s someone that is crafty.
That should totally cover you until I get back.