Whaaas Up?

Guess what tomorrow is? No, forget it. I’ll just tell you. It’s the first ever LA Bloggers Live!

Readers list:

Joe from Artlung

Lynda from One Day at a Time

Deezee from Confessional Highway

Neil from Citizen of the Month

Jenn from Aka Jesais

Abigail from My Life According to Me

Will from Wildbell

Kevin from Kevin Charnas

Peter from The Buddha Diaries

Tim from LA Daddy

Join us tomorrow, Thursday, June 28th at 6:30pm at the Tangier Lounge.($4 cover charge at the door)

In other news, once upon a time, a long, long time ago, Grace and I were talking and she was all ‘You should see if Amy Sedaris would be on your craft panel at Blogher.’ and I was all ‘Oh, ya. Right. Like that would happen.’ and Grace was all ‘No. Seriously. You should because it would be so great.’ and I was all ‘Dude. If I could make that happen I think I might crap my pants.’ and she was all ‘I’m sure you can figure it out. Go forth! Make it happen!’ (Insert pretty illustrations here showing me pounding the pavement.) And so I did. And Amy Sedaris is going to be on my craft panel at Blogher along with Kathy Cano Murillo, Kristin Roach, and the fabulous Natalie Zee Drieu. And then we all lived happily ever after.

Wherein Katie Plans Her Uganda Trip (and sends me a surprise!)

I have this friend Katie. Katie sent me a present in the mail a few weeks ago. I guess she thought I would like it or something.


It just so happens that Katie is planning a second trip to Uganda. When I went to the fabulous PD weekend, she told me all about what she was trying to accomplish. And far from being the normal, ‘but it’s for the children! The CHILDREN!!‘, she had a very well planned out idea of how things were going to work. Being that this is her second trip, I have no fear that she knows what she’s getting into. Also, the fact that she had to figure out how to send herself shows how committed she is. But, I really felt like she could use some help getting all the components together to make her idea come to life.

I sent an email out to some friends to see what reaction they might have. So far, it’s been resoundingly positive. Heather donated $100, an anonymous donor matched that $100, KristyK sent some really great supplies that she had her kids help decorate (so great!):


And the other day, Tracey called and told me she had lined up a point-n-shoot camera with direct portable printer to be donated to Katie from HP. Such great news!

Here is an excerpt from an email from Katie earlier today:

I had a meeting with the people I’ll be going to Uganda with on Sunday and a group of four of us are in the planning stages for how this will look when we’re there. So now it looks like this will be my main focus while in the country and there are SO many good ideas being tossed around. I can’t wait to see how this will all unfold: 1) being able to tell the story of what’s going over there when we get back, and 2) giving people the chance to express themselves and see a picture (no pun intended) of hope as they realize dreams for the future.

I was talking to one of the counselors who is working there and she said the great thing about this idea is that people don’t often do that where we’ll be going. With what they’ve lived through, seeing so much death, and living in such extreme poverty, they only see what’s right in front of them, not really giving thought to what the future could hold, or even what tomorrow could hold for that matter. So giving them the chance to dream and see the possibility of a better tomorrow and simply express themselves in a way they wouldn’t otherwise is extremely exciting for me.

Katie still needs more donations if you have $$ or Polaroid cameras etc. to donate. Let me know if you want more information. We have about 4 weeks left to get it all to her.

(More Than) Two Things

The latest version of LAB Magazine is up! You can view/download it here. Also, for a beautiful hard copy, order from Lulu here. Joseph Robertson is the bomb and does a really nice job putting it together. Also, my interview with Natalie Zee Drieu is in there!

Speaking of Natalie, she’s coming to Blogher this summer to be on my craft panel. Joining us will be Kristin Roach and Kathy Cano Murillo. Are you going to Blogher this year?

We have a mostly permanent home for LA Angst and LA Bloggers Live! (crowd cheering) I know, I know. It is great because they will be held at the Tangier Lounge, which really rocks and has the perfect ambiance for reading to an audience. So join us for our first Live! on Thursday, June 28th, 6:30pm and the next Angst on Wednesday, July 11th at 6:30pm, won’t you?

The Weekend, She Rocked

On Saturday, Joe and I went to Ariel’s reading at the Tangier Lounge. I took some photos. We laughed and laughed. This was the final book reading of her Offbeat Bride tour and we were lucky to be included. It was a packed house and we had front row seats. Ariel does a mean sock puppet like nobody’s business.

The second half of the night was spent with L.A. Daddy and some other fabulous bloggers at the L.A. Blogger Party. I hope we do that again sometime real soon.

Sunday night was the first LA Angst. There were a few hiccups regarding the venue, but a new birth always comes with a few. (We’ll be meeting somewhere new next time.) We had just under 20 people attend and there was much laughing and cheering in our intimate and dark nook of the bar. (Thank god Ariel happened to have a small flashlight.) The vibe was really great and I can see that group getting crazy large at some point when the word gets out about how fun it is to read old journals and reveal your angsty teenhood. Thanks to Ariel and Andreas for being good sports and putting up with my company two nights in a row. Two, people. Two nights. They are practically saints.

And thanks to Joe for being a wonderful partner for the weekend. His sense of direction will always amaze me.

UPDATED: This is the best replay of the evening. I love Kevin Charnas. And I think Joe is ok with that.

2 of 2 New Projects

Remember the 1st one? Well, we already have 16 members, including one that looks like George Clooney, so yes, I think gangbusters applies.

And, here is #2. LA Angst.

Based on Cringe and Salon of Shame, LA Angst wants more than anything to laugh (with you) at your most embarrassing moments. Do you live in the Los Angeles area? Are you coming to visit and want to read? Email me and I’ll sign you up.

LA Angst is a monthly reading series hosted by Leah Peterson in the greater Los Angeles area on the first Thursday of each month. We gather together to read our most embarrassing, humiliating, angst ridden and otherwise absolutely wonderful writing from our youth. Every month, selected readers comb through their middle school and high school writing and pick something that represents how completely impossible it is to grow up without looking back in shame. Join us for some entertaining, therapeutic and hysterical fun!

I’ve noticed that most people feel drawn to either one group or the other. Is it weird that I love both?

1 of 2 New Projects

I decided to start two new projects. Why? Because I’m me. This one is called LA Bloggers Live! and if you live in the Los Angeles area, you can come and listen to your favorite bloggers reading their own words. I know, right? Awesome. And if you are a blogger in the Los Angeles area or visiting the LA area, you are invited to come and read, also!

Sign up at the website.

Update regarding the 2nd project soon.

(ALSO: Craft trading is happening RIGHT NOW!)

Dinner With Grace


Grace told me a few weeks ago she was going to David Sedaris and I begged and pleaded to go with her. Mr. Sedaris was going to be appearing in Santa Barbara with the wonderful Sarah Vowell and it was all just too much to bear: Grace, Sedaris, Vowell, all within my grasp only a hop skip and a jump away. The wonderful woman that she is, Grace graciously (get it??) allowed Joe and I to come along. Eden was there as was her friend Jennifer. Also, Grace’s daughter, Jenn, and her boyfriend, who’s name I’ve forgotten. (That’s how great of a friend I am. Invite me again!)

Dinner was lovely. There was wine.

Sedaris and Vowell were hysterical but dinner was better.

Two Lunches

When I was up in Northern California I had the pleasure of meeting in person some awesome people that I’ve known only online. One such person is Rebecca Blood. She and her husband, Jesse James Garrett, (I believe they are the original Internet Couple) met me at Adaptive Path where they gave me the grand tour. The building all by itself is impressive (as you can see below) but I love their office for a lot more reasons. One being that they gave me coffee. For free. I know, right? And another is that when you walk in, it’s all open and friendly. They have moving walls, people! With white boards on them! If I had any reason to hire them, I would, as the creative energy running rampant in the room was palpable.


Rebecca, Jesse and I then went to lunch where we ate delicious sandwiches and used our sharp minds to discuss Tivo non-stop for over an hour before we took Jesse back to work and Rebecca and I took a lap around the South Park area. I think. Unless I got that name wrong. But in any case, it was lovely.


Same trip, different day, I met Judith Zissman at the nicest tea shop I’ve ever been to. She had a wonderful blossom tea. We also shared some fruit. My legs dangled to alarming depths under the table.


Judith is smart, funny, has a beautiful smile and knits.


After tea, she took me across the street to a yarn shop and Oh. My. were there some wonderful yarns. I hope we get together again sometime soon.
