Defective Yeti Junior turns 2:
Overall experience = 4
Joy of bringing new life into world slightly offset by lack of time to play computer games.
Defective Yeti Junior turns 2:
Overall experience = 4
Joy of bringing new life into world slightly offset by lack of time to play computer games.
Some are finding these tidbits of information help in growth
By Allison Bruce
That happened to Leah Peterson of Simi Valley, who posts interviews with other bloggers as a feature on her personal site.
One of the bloggers, who has a lot of traffic on his* site, linked to her site and overwhelmed it with more traffic than it could handle. Peterson remedied the situation, but it was a reminder that an interesting post can change blog traffic levels.
Peterson has a background in photography, art and writing. She runs, a Web development company, with her husband, Joe Crawford.
“Very rarely do I write about anything business-ey on my blog,” she said.
Even so, she said she found before long that her blog was leading to business connections that wouldn’t have formed otherwise.
“We don’t have to advertise as much,” she said. “We don’t have to go out looking for work as much. The word of mouth spreads instantly.”
The blog became a good place to contact people and network.
She recently posted a job ad on her blog looking for programmers — then took the opportunity to talk about those things they were looking for beyond what was mentioned in the ad, such as integrity, a strong work ethic and “know your stuff as well as you say you do.”
Peterson said there is a balance between being honest and creative while still being careful about what she posts. She makes sure to ask clients if they are OK with her mentioning contract work in the blog.
When she goes looking for people, Peterson said, one of the first things she does is look for a blog or personal Web site. She expects that others do the same.
“I think people want to know what the people are really like behind the business,” she said.
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*Heather is not a man. Interesting to me that it would be assumed that she was…..
Just can’t get enough photos of me, can you?
I eat them whole. These are from our awesome friend, Susan, in San Diego.
Absolutely fascinating debate between Malcolm Gladwell (Blink) and Adam Gopnik, both writers for The New Yorker, regarding healthcare systems in the US, Canada and France.
via Kottke
UPDATE: On Malcom’s own blog:
But wait! That was six years ago! I’ve now changed my mind. I now agree with virtually everything Adam said and disagree with virtually everything I said. In fact, I shudder when I read what I said back then.
The Woman. The Myth. The Legend.
Rebecca Caldwell and Carthedral. You have to see it to believe it.
Q: Is anything about you normal?
A: Yes. In fact I am so normal, I have become ultra-normal, hyper-normal, and meta-normal. I am so human, it hurts.