Missing Out

Who’s not going to SXSW?
Who’s sad about not going and had to cancel plans and hotel accommodations etc?
What’s one of the most annoying things in the world?
People who ask questions and then answer them right afterwards.

I just know that there is going to be fantastic fun had by all and many great discussions and nerdy moments that will be lost to me forever. *sigh

For all of you lucky enough to attend and bask in the glory that is Heather and Jason up on stage together and imparting of their knowledge to the masses, please take notes to share with me.

Blogging for Business Article in Ventura County Star Features Crawberts

Business Blogging is Blooming

Some are finding these tidbits of information help in growth

By Allison Bruce

That happened to Leah Peterson of Simi Valley, who posts interviews with other bloggers as a feature on her personal site.

One of the bloggers, who has a lot of traffic on his* site, linked to her site and overwhelmed it with more traffic than it could handle. Peterson remedied the situation, but it was a reminder that an interesting post can change blog traffic levels.

Peterson has a background in photography, art and writing. She runs Crawberts.com, a Web development company, with her husband, Joe Crawford.

“Very rarely do I write about anything business-ey on my blog,” she said.

Even so, she said she found before long that her blog was leading to business connections that wouldn’t have formed otherwise.

“We don’t have to advertise as much,” she said. “We don’t have to go out looking for work as much. The word of mouth spreads instantly.”

The blog became a good place to contact people and network.

She recently posted a job ad on her blog looking for programmers — then took the opportunity to talk about those things they were looking for beyond what was mentioned in the ad, such as integrity, a strong work ethic and “know your stuff as well as you say you do.”

Peterson said there is a balance between being honest and creative while still being careful about what she posts. She makes sure to ask clients if they are OK with her mentioning contract work in the blog.

When she goes looking for people, Peterson said, one of the first things she does is look for a blog or personal Web site. She expects that others do the same.

“I think people want to know what the people are really like behind the business,” she said.

Requires a free registration on the VenturaCountyStar website.

*Heather is not a man. Interesting to me that it would be assumed that she was…..

When You are Working with the Best

Taken from the project outline sheet:

comments – yesh
no gallery ceptisle my publizle photizle and loggizle intizzle da websizzle

Internet, I Turn to You

The business is going really well. In fact, so well, we could use help. Isn’t there someone(s) out there that wants to do programming for us and is worth their weight in bits?

Here is the ad we are running:

Crawberts.com, a web development company, is hiring 2 programmers with at least 30 hours a week to devote to our projects.
Must have recommendations.
Must be good with deadlines and communication.
Must: PHP/MySQL, JavaScript, HTML
Desired: Ruby on Rails, web development skills
Please include example links along with your role in developing them with your info.
Contact: Please email us at jobs AT crawberts DOT com

And I’d just like to add: please! don’t be a flake. Look – I really don’t care where you live. That is the beauty of the WWW. I can be here, you can be there, and we can work together fine using lots of fine internet tools that people have created just for people like us. I just want you to 1) know your stuff as well as you say you do, 2) have been around long enough to have done some work for other people that you (and they) are proud of, 3) know yourself well enough to tell me an accurate ballpark of when you will deliver good code to me, 4) let me know as soon as YOU know you won’t be delivering said code on time, 5) have a stellar work ethic and 6) feel like integrity is one of the most important things in life.

Here is what we offer:

Freedom to work from your house in your underwear or pajamas if you want.
Freedom to work from our house, but please at least wear pants. Or not. And next year, we’ll throw in an office location to pick from as well!
Totally flexible work schedule.
Unlimited growth. Seriously.
Unlimited job titles. Except for Co-Founder because that one is taken, twice.
No Causal Fridays with optional/mandatory bad Hawaiian shirts.
An opportunity to be a part of a great company.

I’ve never been prouder of anything I’ve been a part of than this company, with the exception of my kids, because who/what can top that? Nothing. So, seriously, email me. But don’t call me unless I ask you to. Because that shows you can follow direction well. And I like that in an employee.

Ring, Ring

If I was into ringtones, which I’m not, because I really think a phone should just, you know, ring, then I would so get this one from Project Runway. I think Joe has a crush on Tim. Heck, I have a crush on Tim.

And while we’re talking about cell phones, I had the same phone for the past 3.5 years, which in phone years is 24. It didn’t do anything except, you know, call people. The numbers were rubbed off in places. The silver coating had been worn down and you could see the hard plastic skeleton underneath because I dropped my phone probably about 924 times. The math equation looks like this: 12*3.5*N = 924 where N is the number of phone drops per month. A few times in the trash on accident and once on purpose when the ringer kept not working and I missed some important calls. And a few times in the gutter and on the ground outside the car. And twice in the toilet. And once in a puddle. At one point it kept shutting off on me at random moments, sometimes while talking to people that I didn’t want to talk to so it wasn’t that big a deal but after the time it shut off when I was talking to someone I DID like, I shoved a little piece of cardboard in next to the battery and that held it in place. Until I dropped it in the toilet that last time and the cardboard expaned and shredded.
Continue reading “Ring, Ring”

New Stuff

When I did the new blog design, I included photos from my old website format into the blog format. My plan is to at some point completely get rid of the old site. All of the photos were uploaded to my flickr account into new sets.

Here are some of the new pages:








I have yet to amass the energy to flickerize all the photos from my old photos site.

And just for fun, here is a new one of Olivia Rex. I love the smart hat and bangs.


And one of tulips.


Does the Site Look Odd?

That is because we are changing things around.
Thanks for your patience.

EDIT: i think we are calling it a night. if you see any wierdness, let me know.

My Spam Karma Works

If you have left a comment and it got eaten, I’m sorry. I got an email from Spam Karma tonight with over 1000 comments, the majority being actual spam, but there were some nice ones in there that have been in outer darkness for up to a month. I’m sorry about that and please let me know if you comment and it never shows up. I’ll go hunting.

Dear Lil_Monster2790

I would have written you an email and I tried to leave a comment but I don’t have a Xanga site and don’t want one. I wasn’t sure how else to get a hold of you.


I don’t mind when people show my work on their sites. I sometimes have schools that use some of my pieces for a class and the students all write me for permission to use my work and of course I let them. But they all give me credit by using my name and by posting the work directly to their sites or printing it instead of pulling directly from my bandwidth, which I believe everyone knows is not staying under it’s allotment.

So, until you post the images to your Xanga site and put the credit on there, I’ve changed the image to this one.

At first, I thought you were taking credit for the work yourself but after a closer read, I’m not quite sure, so I changed the little message on the image from this:

Best of luck with everything.