Over there on the right side column at the very top you’ll see a survey. If you have ten minutes of your life that you weren’t using for anything important it would be awesome if you would click that link and answer some questions. In the long run, it helps the ads on this site be more relevant. In the short run, it could keep you from doing the dishes or folding socks or finishing that TPS report.
And by way of complete honesty, if you don’t do it, I totally understand because I probably wouldn’t do it on your site, either. But because I totally appreciate Blogads and how they hook me up, I thought I’d ask.
Yes, I am not much of a salesperson.
I’m bummed. I’ve just realized that my friends don’t depend on me for news/views on any of the important areas.
My survey:
#1 – When will Blogads hook ME up?
#2 – Will it be soon?
i did it. i don’t so much mind surveys b/c some day some where it might help a person.
yes, i am retarded.
i like surveys because I’m a marketing gal… I force them on my customers 🙂
so its like survey karma to complete one when asked.
hope it helps!
Am loving that the survey people are totally thinking “Why is this Brit such an alcoholic?” but then also? Why is the Pope so Catholic? 😀
I started it – but holy crap – what a long survey! anyway I did about half of it for you… hope that’s ok.
So… what kind of blog referred me? The choices all suck, and there’s no “warm and smartly written general interest” option.
I picked crafts because you got me to finally go out and buy some rick rack to put on my skirt.
Sir Vay would be a funny character. Maybe he asks too many questions.
I agree on the “what kind of blog referred me.” LOUSY choices, but I settled on Parenthood (I don’t craft).
Dude. I took the darn thing, but that was psycho long. Did anyone else ask if we flossed our teeth? Totally random. Oh and I prefer Patron tequila.