5 Replies to “Not Otherwise Specified”

  1. I can’t tell you how much I loved this book. It was a hard read, that’s for sure, but an amazing one. Now go buy eeet!!

  2. I related to your essay in this book. I admire your bravery in putting your story out there to let those of us with similar experiences know that we’re not alone. The journey to realization of parents not being perfect and learning to forgive and to love is SO, so hard. Yay for therapy!

    Thanks so much. This is my very first visit to your blog, and I’ll definitely be back.

  3. I read your story, then read it again just to make sure I was picking up on the right content.

    I actually hugged the book at that point. Thank you is all I can say. After surviving being the daughter of a Maunchhausen Syndrome by Proxy parent, and suffering from many induced, near death, illnesses during my childhood (and the physical ramifications in adulthood) those of us with abusive childhoods need a secret handshake.

  4. I just have to say again how PROUD I am of you Leah. I know how difficult it is to write about these things… and while I have not yet read your published-in-a-book essay (I’m on a book-buying hiatus until my big MOVE) If it is anywhere near the quality of writing that appears on this blog then I know it is awesome.

    (that’s my post modern digitized interpretation of applause)

  5. Hey, I just had a thought and it’s rolling around my skull like a bb in a silo: What is keeping you from having an income like dooce? Both of you do the same thing, and then you wouldn’t need to hook up with a job outside the home!

    Personally, all I want is for someone, anyone, to just plain visit my blog and maybe….oh should I even SAY it? Maybe like, come back cuz they enjoy it. But YOU, YOU could make a living out of it!

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