
Hello! I’m glad you’ve found me. 

I want to help you find meaning, stability, and joy in living an intentional life, using techniques that have been proven, again and again, over the last two decades in my work with clients.

I make self- & community-care into bite-sized, possible pieces by weaving various levels of support. My passions are helping you gather all the pieces of yourself you’ve left behind (or had to ignore for safety), and teaching you the skills you missed along the way.

Need help making your life make sense? I’ve got you.

Sir Blooms is a genuine, compassionate, thoughtful human and I’m grateful to have him in my life. In our D/s relationship built on love and trust, I consistently feel safe. With his creativity and empathy, he has helped me spot unhealthy behavior patterns and coping skills, and taught me healthier alternatives. Working with Sir Blooms has been – hands down – one of the best investments I’ve ever made in myself. ~ AUM

Meet Leoh

Leoh Blooms is a mentor and health advocate with over fifteen years of experience working with individuals on their journey to a life they won’t need to hide or escape from, using his unique multi-modality technique. Leoh’s essays on mental health and gender have been published in books, magazines, and online. Their art is hanging on walls in several countries.

Leoh has earned a reputation for improving lives in simple yet impactful ways, with their unique approach of weaving healing around intimacy, mental health, gender, and sex, with practical self-care techniques.

With diverse clientele all over the world, Leoh has built hundreds of specific and individualized curriculums, targeted to each unique client’s needs, guiding people through some of the hardest most challenging moments of their lives.

Sir Blooms has encouraged me to come into my own as an artist, a writer, a nonbinary person, and most importantly, deserving of love. Their experience-led mentoring has helped me become the person I want to be, and their support has been invaluable to me. ~ E.M.

“Many people, especially queer folks, spend their lives masking to fit in, contorting themselves to slot into a binary world that doesn’t validate them. Along the way, we learn false things, like we’re unworthy of love or that there is something fundamentally wrong with us. Please understand: You are good. You are worthy, right now. You deserve to take up space and use your voice. You have good ideas. You have skills and passions that make you unique. You are ever-capable of learning new things. You deserve (and require) self care and rest. I’m honored to show you how.” ~ Leoh Blooms

Join Me

Now, maybe you’re the kind of person who wants more information before jumping in. That makes sense. We’re all pressed for time and resources and I can see why you might be reluctant to give some of your resources away without knowing for sure what you’re going to get out of it.

Everyone’s journey with me is different, but no matter what kind of work we do together, you’ll be learning to take better care of yourself and understanding how to get your needs met. It can be scary at first to even admit to yourself what your needs are. And, if you were socialized as female in your childhood, you’ve definitely been taught to have as few needs as possible, so often we don’t even know what our needs are to begin with.

I remember the first time I asked my partner to help me with something when I really needed it, I felt like I might actually die. It felt dangerous and scary! My entire body went into fight/flight mode. I had to learn over time that asking for what I needed didn’t result in someone punishing me for having that need. Needs are great! Being considered by others starts by considering yourself.

If you don’t know what you need, you can’t ask for it. If you don’t ask for it, you’ll probably never get it. That’s the first algorithm we’ll work on together.

I ask new clients to sign up for a 3 month contract. Why? Because I’ve found it takes about that long to figure out the real work we’re doing together and it’s also long enough to begin to know each other, which means I’ll be in a good position to really help you understand yourself.

It all starts with a first session. Reserve some time with me here. I’m looking forward to meeting you!

Join others who have found relief, forward movement, and success. Read some of their stories here:

If you’re still wondering how to get started, you might need a bit more info about moving forward. Let me tell you about creating a Life Map! Life Maps are one of my absolute favorite things to do with a client.

Imagine being at an intersection in your life, unsure of which way to go. You’ve gotten this far, headed in this direction, but now you’re just not sure. Things don’t feel quite right. Maybe you’ve had something come along and dump you on your head and you’re scrambling to get going again. Maybe your days have started to lose their colors and you’re feeling a bit empty and maybe even hopeless. Possibly trapped.

Does this describe you? Don’t give up! Together we’ll tease out what’s inside you, waiting to get out, and we’ll create a map you can follow towards real joy. There are things you’re good at, things you want, and things that bring you joy. I can help you connect those things so you have a life that makes sense – a life you don’t have to hide from or fuzz out to escape.

Let’s build your intentional Life Map! Reserve some time with me here.

I get asked all the time what kind of mentor I am. You can learn more about me personally right here. If you’d like to watch some videos of me talking about my work, you can find a series I did a few years ago here. (I hadn’t started T yet, so expect my voice to sound different.)