Interview with Megan / Not Martha
Megan may not be Martha but you’d never guess that by looking at her website. She crafts, cooks, bakes and puts up some of the best links. Here is an entire page of great things to make. The projects all include pictures to help you figure out what your craft should end up looking like. (Totally helpful for people like me.) Thanks to her, many people on my Christmas list last year ended up with magnets. Who knows: I may even be brave enough to try bath bombs.
Blog Birthday:
May 22nd, 2001, it’s now a broken link
Why do you blog?
I do it to keep track of links and ideas I’ll want to reference later.
What do you talk about?
I don’t have a solid intention to keep a journal, but I do talk about stuff that is going on in my life, especially if there was a solution/idea/instruction online that I used, or something that might, possibly, be useful to somebody.
What don’t you talk about? Why?
I don’t talk about why I have not been posting because that is often boring, and leads to a deadly chain of “I’m so sorry…” posts. I don’t talk about work, that started because initially I was embarrassed to admit worked for a Big Evil Company, and now I work for myself, both feel too delicate to mention on my site..
Best experience regarding something you wrote in your blog or put out on the net?
People are really generous with information when I ask (it’s like my own Ask Metafilter power trip), even when it comes to tracking something down like a specific magazine. I think that’s awfully nice.
Favorite/worst thing about living where you live?
Good: It’s very liberal, and Dan Savage edits our weekly. So much great food. Bad: Months of wet darkness seep into your very soul. Note: I write this in early February, I feel differently in July.
Favorite color:
My least favorite color is blue – in the range from royal blue to navy blue – because I went to Catholic School for eight years where the uniform plaid was royal blue, and we were only allowed to wear navy sweaters. It’s rare that I own anything blue to this day. (Jeans don’t count, they are a strange sort of neutral.) You also will never find me owning a white button down shirt again. You’d think I would get over it, but I still unconsciously avoid blue. My favorite color of the moment is orange which, I feel I must point out, is opposite blue on the color wheel.
Favorite food:
Samoas, sorry Caramel DeLites. A certain chicken dish from Stino da Napoli in Ohio. Pizza from the short-lived Le Comptoir Rouge in Berkeley. Red wines.
What do you hate?
Not having inherited my genetically-nearby curly red hair.
Astounding facts about you:
I have never visited a Disney theme park.
What are you working on right now?
Buying a house. I am surprised to find I’m looking forward to buying real furniture and painting walls. It’s eerily like I’m in The Game of Life.
What do you do to stay sane and keep healthy?
Playstation games, on both accounts. I like the Splinter Cell games, and I have a pretty dorky fitness game that changes and gets more and more challenging.
What will you being doing next year?
Making my house worth more and then hiding in it.
Tell me a secret?
I don’t like cats. Well, I tell everybody I don’t like cats but I’m always happy to have one around. It’s complicated.
Thanks, Megan!
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