What we have here is a case of moving a tag line over to its own site and helping it become what it was meant to be.
I’ve enjoyed the community feeling of Real Mental these past few months and I bought the domain name for FBA a while back with the intention of replicating that safe and supportive feeling. The best part is that I get to work with another great group of writers including Jessica, Kelly, Angela, Kyran and Suebob.
FBA will be updated daily with all kinds of inspiring, hopeful and otherwise wonderful tidbits to keep you going throughout the day. We’ll be having spotlights, contests and prizes. You’ll want to be there.
Congratulations on the new site! It looks great.
dude, you are a BLOGGING DYNAMO!
how cool is that!
I have one burning question… How the heck do you do all this? Please send detailed instructions in words of one syllable.
Jess pointed me over here. It looks like a fabulous idea!
that looks really pretty, can’t wait to read the content!