MAY 12, 2021 AT 9:32 AM
I took a series of black & white self-portraits with the help of my partner, Brandelyn, that went along with Undressing My Gender and it was hard to find a placement where they would include more than just two or three of the images. I’m so incredibly thankful that Peach Fuzz made room for them. (If you subscribe to my Peony tier, you’ll get to see many of those stripping images in a post soon.) You can get that issue here.
Workshop Signup!
Daily Ritual Creation + Self-Tying as Self-Care
Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) Activation Workshop
Build a daily ritual that creates space for healing and processing. Help yourself heal and learn to relax by embracing the built-in self-care system your body came with + learn and practice rope self-tie.
Limited space! Rope included.
Please bring a yoga mat or thick towel to sit on and a journal + pen.
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What an honor to share space, time, and energy with you all!
San Diego, CA
Portland, OR
Oakland, CA
Los Angeles, CA
You were the best. xoxo